
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

California police were in the process of arresting a woman for going on the beach. When dozens of other people joined her, the outnumbered police let her go and stood down.

Indians queue up for booze despite 70% 'COVID-19 tax' imposed on alcohol. (Can't Stop Cinco De Mayo Day In India)

Meanwhile Severe punishment | Lockdown-defying Mexicans forced to sweep streets on The Mexican Holiday Cinco De Mayo LOL

URGENT...Within The NEXT Few Weeks | Dr Rashid A Buttar

The 'Great Pandemic Of 1957' - And Why Nobody Remembers It

Rebuilding The LAST Manual Audi R8 EVER MADE (With 150,000 Miles On It!). FOR CANCER RESEARCH

What's The Best Fuel Injection? Carburetors vs Port vs Direct

On Gatekeepers & Grifters Selling False Hope!

Trump's Venezuela Coup Attempt by US Mercenaries Fails During A Pandemic

Whitney Webb And Maria Farmer's Call: Info BANNED by MSM