
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

MUST WATCH!!! AIPAC & Anti-BDS EXPOSED in their own words by UNDERCOVER Video Footage.

The REAL Reason Ilhan Omar is Being Smeared by the ENTIRE Political Establishment Ilhan Omar SMEARED By Dem Leadership In Fake Controversy

US-led coalition bombs ‘ex-mosque’ in Syria killing civilians, Damascus demands action from UN

Syria is demanding action from the United Nations Security Council. Damascus accuses the US-led coalition of killing 16 civilians and injuring dozens, in a bombing raid over the border with Iraq.


Playing The Cynthia McKinney Card on US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Former Ohio Rep. Jim Traficant "Israel Controls America" Paul Craig Roberts - AIPAC Controls Congress, Government Ex CIA Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress “Ten ways the Israel lobby ‘moves’ America” Grant F. Smith How AIPAC controlled the USA congress . THIS IS NOT DEMOCARACY AT ALL MY AMERICAN FRIENDS

Venezuelans' Message To The US: Hands Off Our Country

Maduro to RT (EXCLUSIVE):'I won't be remembered as a traitor'