
Friday, May 3, 2019

Israel Attacks Gaza, Maduro Orders Arrests & MSM Exposed For Its Role In Venezuela Regime Change

#Elon #Musk is Wrong, Hydrogen Cars are the Future, Not #Tesla Electric Cars, In Order To Stop All #Wars For #Oil.

Elon Musk is Wrong, Hydrogen Cars are the Future Not Tesla Electric Cars. The truth about Hydrogen fuel cell cars, FYI with Scotty Kilmer. The truth about electric cars. Hydrogen cars vs electric cars, which is better? How hydrogen cars work. The future of hydrogen cars. Tesla electric cars are not the future. The future of electric cars. Why electric cars will soon be overshadowed by hydrogen fuel cell cars in the near future. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.

Venezuelan Coup Fails & So Does CNN, MSNBC

This is a Big Deal! WHY it Happened is an EVEN BIGGER Deal!