
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What I think happened in Benghazi

As we watch the Congressional Hearings on the attack on the Benghazi consulate, we see the usual signs of yet another official attempt to generate a highly fictitious official version of events. We see the blame shifting and the pointed fingers as everyone dances the "Potomac Two-Step" to the beat of nervous pulse rates. What Really Happened? We may never know, but after some consideration and application of Occam's Razor, this is what I think may have been going on. The official story is that on the night of 9/11/12, coinciding with the anniversary of the false-flag attacks in New York City, "Al Qaeda", enraged over a trailer for a non-existent Mohammed-bashing movie, attacked the Consulate, killing the Ambassador. Bad Muslims, no cookie! But there are some interesting facts to consider. There is ample evidence that the US Government knew something was going to happen days, maybe as much as a week, ahead of time. Yet they did not increase security at the Consulate or remove the Ambassador. There were CIA and SEALS nearby who heard the gunfire but were ordered to stand down. Just where that order came from appears to be the White House, despite an early effort to pin the blame on CIA, which was denied by Patraeus, leading to exposure of a sex scandal and his forced retirement on November 9th. There are reports that a Predator drone was overhead, "real timing" the video of the attack back to the White House situation room. Given that the Predator only has a top speed of 137 miles per hour, the drone had to be enroute to the Consulate long before the violence started. So here is what I think was going on. Polls in September showed the Presidential race neck and neck. Many media outlets were openly predicting a Romney victory. Obama had failed to garner public approval over the killing of a man claimed (but never proven) to be Osama bin Laden, mostly because of the manner in which the body was disposed of and the obvious faked photos leaked onto the internet. Obama needed a publicity stunt. A small team of "Al Qaeda" terrorists, or someone playing at being Al Qaeda terrorists, were supposed to enter the Consulate and take the Ambassador and his staff hostage. Obama would let the drama build for a few days, allowing the media to hype the story, then send in the SEAL teams to "rescue" the hostages, then campaign on how he did not let the situation turn into a repeat of the Iranian hostage crisis, which would have dovetailed with the Iran bashing (and Argo). But the best laid plans of mice and men (and Candidates) gang aft agley, as they say. We know that the CIA operatives at the annex could hear the gunfire from the Consulate. Looking at the consulate through Google Earth, one sees heavily populated residential areas less than half a mile to the east and southwest, who no doubt heard the gunfire coming from the consulate as well. Given how quickly sympathetic protests erupted across the Middle East during this incident, it is clear that the region is an anti-American powder keg awaiting a spark, which Obama inadvertently provided with his staged terror attack. The initial "Al Qaeda" (or reasonable facsimile thereof) was a small group, but were quickly joined by Libyans pouring in from adjoining neighborhoods. What was a planned and rehearsed operation to "kidnap" the Ambassador triggered a spontaneous riot with at least 200 participants on the ground, and spun out of control, leading to the deaths of the Ambassador and others. Obama's carefully prepped operation to make himself look like a hero instantly turned in an epic fail. Then the "cleanup" began, first with the assassination of one of the main "terrorists" in Cairo on October 25th, an explosion at the Benghazi Police Station on November 4th, and the assassination of the Benghazi police chief on November 20th. Facebook even went as far as to censor the Navy SEALs to prevent anyone there on the ground from speaking out to the net. And the man who made the YouTube trailer for the non-existent film on which the riots were blamed was sent to prison! This seems the simplest explanation that fits all the availab

INFOWARS Nightly News: With Jakari Jackson, Tuesday, May 28 2013: Karen Hudes

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday, May 28 2013: (Commercial Free Video)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Global Protest in 300 Cities Will Take Aim on Monsanto

Global Protest in 300 Cities Will Take Aim on Monsanto

I do NOT support Adam Kokesh's armed march in DC!

Whereas the 2nd Amendment recognizes the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and whereas the right to keep and bear arms need not be demonstrated, and whereas Adam Kokesh's planned armed march into Washington DC is an unnecessary and dangerous provocation that may be used to demonize guns and gun owners, the undersigned petitioners, while supporting the right to keep and bear arms, state their opposition to Adam Kokesh's planned armed march into Washington DC on July 4th, 2013.

Kesha Drinks Her Own Pee on MTV

Thursday, May 23, 2013

No Agenda Show: Thursday (5-23-13) Episode 515 - Wantonly Podcasting

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Thursday, May 23 2013 (Commercial Free Video)

Video Of Medea Benjamin Being Dragged Away While Heckling Obama For Killing 16 Y/O US Citizen

The Turning Point - Bilderberg Conference Documentary

The Rothschild Family - Puppet Masters - World's Only Trillionaires - Full Documentary


Bank Run on the Bullion

THE FEDERAL RESERVE - the most powerful non-governmental organization

Sunday, May 19, 2013

No Agenda Show: Sunday (5-19-13) Episode 514

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's Interview with Argentinian Newspaper Clarin

Western backed FSA Rebels Shooting Palestinian Refugees in Syria | Syria War 2013

All Wars Are Bankers Wars... Mike Rivero.

Kenyatta Opposes Mps Demand for a Pay Hike

Going green: New ultra-modern housing units in Machakos using solar energy NTV Kenya


Zeruzeru wataka vituo vya kutibu saratani ziongezwe KTN

A Whole New World: Storage And Playing Of Music (K24TV)

Robbers Accidentally Dial 911 With Their Buttocks!!

Gerald Celente ~ Trends In The News this week.

Scandal Week, Angelina Eugenics, Mini-Bilderberg - New World Next Week

The "Free Syrian Army" Has a Brigade Called "Osama bin Laden", Same FSA that West Wants to Arm

British MP Galloway: Have the West Gone MAD???

Erdogan's Police Beats and Teargases Turkish Protesters Angry at Government Stance on Syria

Michelle Obama to Students: Good Grades Less Important, Failure is Key to Success

GoldSeek Radio - May 17, 2013 [ft Peter Schiff & Chaplain Lindsey Williams]

Max Keiser - Bitcoin, Bernanke & Buffett | London Real

A Real Star Wars Lego Laser Battle

Bill Maher And Michael Moore: Love your Globalist Government

Pies Morgan changes his mind on Gun control

Scarborough Highlights Gun-Control Risks Following IRS Scandal

Losing Power: Iraqi oil flows while locals lack electricity, water

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama-Backed Rebels Carry Out Public Executions

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Thursday, May 16 2013

The real story of the IRS

America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by Aaron Russo, covering a variety of subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags, Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the alleged use of terrorism by the government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.



ZERO: 9/11 Investigation

Jim Marrs - Trillion Dollar Conspiracy

Secrets of the CIA

Zeitgeist Moving Forward

Brian Gerrish: Common Purpose New World Order

Painful Deceptions

9/11 Blueprint For Truth

CIA Secrets Revealed

Overdose - The Next Financial Crisis
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Government Caught Spying on Associated Press Reporters

Saturday, May 11, 2013

John Pilger: Real Journalism

If I Wanted America To Be A Dictatorship (Full Version)

Nine foods you should never eat again

(NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:

1) White bread, refined flours. By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients. Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems. Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage. (

2) Conventional frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home). With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amy's and Organic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods. (

3) White rice. Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form. Even so-called "fortified" white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does. (

4) Microwaveable popcorn. This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting. On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs. If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt. (

5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer. If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals. (

6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet. But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness. Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course -- Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood, Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.

7) Margarine. Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy. And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine. (

8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer. Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack. (

9) "Diet" anything. Many so-called "diet" products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption. Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other naturalcomponents that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content. Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well. (

Sources for this article include:

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Benghazi: Cover-up & Conspiracy [Full Report]

No Agenda Show: Thursday (5-9-13) Episode 511 - Warming Up to Iceland

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.
Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.  
In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.
With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome.
Unfortunately Buffett isn’t alone.
Fellow billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown, is clearing out of U.S. stocks too. During the second quarter of the year, Paulson’s hedge fund, Paulson & Co., dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase. The fund also dumped its entire position in discount retailer Family Dollar and consumer-goods maker Sara Lee.
Finally, billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. Between the three banks, Soros sold more than a million shares.
So why are these billionaires dumping their shares of U.S. companies?
After all, the stock market is still in the midst of its historic rally. Real estate prices have finally leveled off, and for the first time in five years are actually rising in many locations. And the unemployment rate seems to have stabilized.
It’s very likely that these professional investors are aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.
One such person publishing this research is Robert Wiedemer, an esteemed economist and author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.
Before you dismiss the possibility of a 90% drop in the stock market as unrealistic, consider Wiedemer’s credentials.
In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy.
The book quickly grabbed headlines for its accuracy in predicting what many thought would never happen, and quickly established Wiedemer as a trusted voice.
A columnist at Dow Jones said the book was “one of those rare finds that not only predicted the subprime credit meltdown well in advance, it offered Main Street investors a winning strategy that helped avoid the forty percent losses that followed . . .”
The chief investment strategist at Standard & Poor’s said that Wiedemer’s track record “demands our attention.”
And finally, the former CFO of Goldman Sachs said Wiedemer’s “prescience in (his) first book lends credence to the new warnings. This book deserves our attention.”
In the interview for his latest blockbuster Aftershock, Wiedemer says the 90% drop in the stock market is “a worst-case scenario,” and the host quickly challenged this claim.
Wiedemer calmly laid out a clear explanation of why a large drop of some sort is a virtual certainty.
It starts with the reckless strategy of the Federal Reserve to print a massive amount of money out of thin air in an attempt to stimulate the economy.
“These funds haven’t made it into the markets and the economy yet. But it is a mathematical certainty that once the dam breaks, and this money passes through the reserves and hits the markets, inflation will surge,” said Wiedemer.
“Once you hit 10% inflation, 10-year Treasury bonds lose about half their value. And by 20%, any value is all but gone. Interest rates will increase dramatically at this point, and that will cause real estate values to collapse. And the stock market will collapse as a consequence of these other problems.”
And this is where Wiedemer explains why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros could be dumping U.S. stocks:
“Companies will be spending more money on borrowing costs than business expansion costs. That means lower profit margins, lower dividends, and less hiring. Plus, more layoffs.”
No investors, let alone billionaires, will want to own stocks with falling profit margins and shrinking dividends. So if that’s why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros are dumping stocks, they have decided to cash out early and leave Main Street investors holding the bag.
But Main Street investors don’t have to see their investment and retirement accounts decimated for the second time in five years.
Wiedemer’s video interview also contains a comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.
Now viewed over 40 million times, it was initially screened for a relatively small, private audience. But the overwhelming amount of feedback from viewers who felt the interview should be widely publicized came with consequences, as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.
“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog.
“Our real concern,” DeHoog added, “is the effect even if only half of Wiedemer’s predictions come true.
“That’s a scary thought for sure. But we want the average American to be prepared, and that is why we will continue to push this video to as many outlets as we can. We want the word to spread.”

UN Golan peacekeepers still in militant custody

The four UN Peacekeepers that were abducted on Tuesday remain unharmed according to a UN Peacekeeping spokesperson.
Negotiations to free the men all four of whom are Filipino are underway and the UN Secretary-General has condemned the incident.
The UN confirms that the foreign backed insurgents fighting the Syrian army are behind the abduction and it’s not the first time they’ve harassed UN Peacekeepers in the Golan.
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Just get up and teach them!': Extraordinary moment student turns table on his teacher and gives HER a lecture on how to improve their lessons

This is the moment a frustrated student turns the tables on his teacher and begins giving his own lecture. Jeff Bliss launched into a tirade after being ordered to leave his World History class at Duncanville High School in Texas, reportedly for asking too many questions. His impassioned speech telling his teacher Mrs Phung how to do her job, secretly filmed by a fellow classmate, has gone viral since it was posted on YouTube earlier this week.

hy.poth.e.sis - Full Movie (Steven Jones documentary)


Benghazi What You're Not Being Told [SCG News]

The Boston Bombing Coverup Continues - 3 More People Framed

The REAL Reason Israel Attacked Syria

It's not the Petro Dollar. Israel dictates Foreign Policy

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Wednesday, May 8 2013

The Real Story - DHS Slave Training - 1

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bilderberg 2013 UK

Osama Bin Laden Died of Natural Causes According to Former CIA Agent

A former agent of the CIA has revealed that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has died of natural causes five years befo Osama Bin Laden Top Info Post May 6, 2013 In an interview with Russia’s Channel One, Berkan Yashar, who is also a Turkish politician, said the US has not killed the al-Qaeda leader. “In September of 1992, I was in Chechnya, that’s when I first met the man whose name was Bin Laden. This meeting took place in a two-story house in the city of Grozny; on the top floor was a family of Gamsakhurdia, the Georgian president, who then was kicked out of his country. We met on the bottom floor; Osama lived in the same building,” Yashar said. According to the former CIA agent, he personally knew Bin Laden’s three Chechen bodyguards, who had protected him until his death and witnessed his death on June 26, 2006. “Even if the entire world believed, I could not possibly believe it,” Yashar said. “I personally know the Chechens who protected him, they are Sami, Mahmood, and Ayub, and they were with him until the very end.” “Only three Chechens buried him, according to his will” in the mountains on the Pakistan-Afghan border, he said. Yashar added that the CIA abducted one of the bodyguards, Sami, before the announced killing of Bin Laden last year. He says the bodyguard disclosed to the US the exact place of burial in the mountains. “There was no assault. I know the American operations from the inside: they find the grave, dig out bin Laden and tell everyone about this. They need to show how technologically the security services worked, how each step was controlled, and then present it as a great victory to show that taxpayers are not paying taxes for nothing,” he said. Washington announced on May 2, 2011 that Bin Laden was killed by US forces in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The lack of transparency over bin Laden’s death has cast further doubt over the announcement.

Black Chick Teaches Infant How To Twerk...SMH...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

China Moves against the dollar

China has just made several moves against the U.S. dollar, and currency wars with the U.S. have a way of turning into real wars. -----
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Nigel Farage: Slovenia is next to be bailed out in the Euro Zone.

Nigel Farage spoke at the Sovereign Man: Offshore Tactics Workshop in Santiago, Chile, on March 30 - April 1, 2013.

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Thursday, May 2 2013

Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

A War Criminal's Final Chapter: The George W. Bush "Lie-Bury"

Russian documentary about Syria (The other side of the story) CC for English

This documentary exposes the fake revolution in Syria orchestrated from the out side mostly Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Hired animalistic mercenaries and paid for by your tax money, yet Obama is now yet to send money to these Alqaeeda thugs. If this documentary facts are true, who are the bad guys? American troops are fighting Alqaeeda in Afganistan and Iraq, yet we fund them to oust Assad in Syria. Facts about Syria that doesn't go along with the west and the main reason to oust Assad's regime just like Libya. 1) Syria has it's own central bank not affiliated to the west, and the country is debt free from the chains of IMF and World bank. A big problem to make the dollar strong and make it the supreme world currency because Syria can buy and sell it's oil and gas in any currency she wants. 2)Syria does not allow and genetically modified foods in the country and do not fluoridate it's water. A big problem for Monsanto and the people who profit from it's destructive out come of crops and farmers to corporations. 3) Syria and Iran are good allies in the middle east, so to take out Iran for it's non-existent nuclear weapons, getting rid of Syria first and Isolate Iran should be a good strategy for the west and it's allies.

Global Warming scam exposed by Jesse Ventura...

Lindsey Williams on The Plans of the Elite - 4/30/2013

Hilarious defense strategies given by ABC News to public...

The media and public opinion manipulation explained.

Ron Paul w/ Cavuto ~ Going In To Syria Is The Worst Thing To Do