
Thursday, November 21, 2013

George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is

JFK: The 'Official' Conspiracy Theory

Why is the establishment so desperate to reinforce the official narrative behind the assassination of JFK 50 years later?

JFK anniversary: second gunman named

 Black Umbrella Man


JFK Grassy Knoll Shooter

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Brainwashed Nation: The O-Bots Effect (Obamanoids)

Just a few weeks ago, the Obama Administration had a government shutdown. The shutdown only shut down what everyday people used, like Parks, Famous monuments, etc were closed to the public, a very insignificant cut in a government shutdown. The Military bases all over the world, the wars, and the secret prisons like Guantanamo prison, which warp up billions in a year were never affected at all. One DC man set out to find what a normal O-Bot on the street thinks about the shutdown, and here were the results.

Obama Supporters Petition to Support Eliminate Right to Remain Silent by Repealing the 5th Amendment

Obama Care Supporters Support Plan to Add Birth Control to Water Supply

Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits While in Office No Matter What He Did.

So if History repeats it's self, i may want to refer to the Infamous Ruthless African Dictator Idi Amin Dada, and his famous address to his ministers. "The People Must Learn How To Love Their Leader No Matter What It Takes"

This is NOT to bash Obama but just to point out the brainwashing, no matter the vices he does, even though he is just a puppet, the majority of the masses still follow their leader blindly despite being stabbed in the back numerous times, while blaming the opponents Republicans and vice-versa while the people have no clue whom the puppet masters are. Politicians are there to take the political heat. 

So when obama says this that he 'blames the republicans for the glitches in Obama care, and you believe it, because he said so, even though No republican is involved in building the website, you just must be an O-Bot.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Answer: An Allen Iverson Documentary

Allen Iverson: Top 10 Career Plays

To Retirement 10/30/2013

Remember Me - A Tribute To Allen Iverson

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Proof: Virginians are still asleep, except for the few tireless minorities still out there seeing through the two party Bull shit.

Hopefully this is a wake up call to all the other states running third party Libertarians fed up to the two party dictatorship system.
Peoples reactions

RT goes into Bush & Obama's Guantanamo Bay Prison.

Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth

Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that the United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century.

Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blacks Who Get Upset With The Truth

The BEST And WORST Paying Majors In The U.S.!

Fluoride - The Hard to Swallow Truth

 This short documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of Fluoride and reveals Fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water. The documentary will conclude by delivering the "hard to swallow truth" of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually used. 

SouthPark: NSA

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hidden Secrets of Money 4 - The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind; Mike Maloney

You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is.Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck... every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. 
The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years.
Learning this will change your life, because it will change the choices that you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world... because it will change the system . 
For this is the biggest Hidden Secret Of Money. 
Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it's all accomplished through this... The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind. 

For more info. on Gold, Silver, & Mike Maloney, visit the Why Gold & Silver channel and subscribe:

Eritrea: A Nation in Isolation

Untold Truths about War on Iran

"Untold Truths" is a revealing documentary film about the life and experiences of former White House Middle East policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd, who has escaped to Australia to keep safe from FBI prosecution for revealing 2007 Bush/ Cheany's plans of attacking Iran and how she stopped it.